Friday, May 26, 2017

Sky's the Limit

OA Gallery


St. Louis' Premier Exhibition of the Boundless Landscape
June 2nd to July 29th
To view magnificent scenery this summer you only need to travel to OA Gallery
101A W Argonne Drive in Kirkwood, Mo
directly across the street from the train station.

Late Summer 8x10 plein air oil

You're invited to join us in a stroll through an expansive display of spectacular landscapes.

Friday, June 2,2017 from 6-9 pm for the opening reception for this show.

for more information visit

Friday, May 19, 2017

Missouri Botanical Garden

Iris Time


plein air oil 8x10
Iris Time

The Iris beds at the Botanical Gardens were in full bloom last week when I met some friends for a beautiful day of painting.  The sun was positioned like a spotlight on all those lovely flowers.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Spring has Sprung!

Early Spring

Spring Hill
8x10 plein air oil

I was attracted to the back lit blossoming trees on this hill at Faust Park.
A beautiful sunny day, no wind, no bugs just pure painting joy.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Kirkwood Park

After the Flood

plein air oil 8x10

Park Bridge

We've had so much rain and flooding in our area it has been hard to get out to paint.  When we did get a sunny day I took advantage of it.  It's hard to believe this small creek was flash flooding almost up to the bridge just the day before I painted this.  It looked like the Colorado river then instead of this gentle peaceful stream that it normally is.  So glad I caught it on a beautiful sunny day.